Project Based Learning Course

Uploaded: 06 Jun 2024
85 Min 21 Sec

Elevate your teaching with a comprehensive online course designed to make you a Project-Based Learning (PBL) master. Empower your students through engaging projects that spark curiosity, develop essential skills, and leave a lasting impact.

In this course, you'll:

  • Harness the Power of PBL: Dive deep into the benefits of PBL, from fostering critical thinking and collaboration to equipping students with real-world problem-solving abilities.
  • Design Unforgettable Projects: Discover inspiring examples and practical frameworks to create impactful PBL units that resonate with your students.
  • Master PBL Planning: Become a pro at brainstorming engaging project ideas, crafting effective assessments, and planning captivating exhibitions.

Transform your classroom into a vibrant learning environment where students take ownership of their education and their passion for learning ignites. Enrol today and watch your students thrive!

By Kyle Wagner

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Course Structure

Lessons: 15

Course Structure

Lessons: 15

PBL Course Preview

Mastering Project-Based Learning: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators


  • In this video, Kyle Wagner leads educators through the essentials of project-based learning (PBL). The course, structured into four modules, covers the foundations of PBL, designing engaging projects, effective project management, and assessment strategies.

    Learn to create personalized learning experiences, integrate STEM and robotics, and connect students with real-world professionals. Transform your teaching approach from traditional methods to becoming a guiding coach, facilitating collaborative and authentic learning experiences for diverse student needs.

Most Memorable Project-Based Experience

Real-Life Projects: Lessons for Effective Project-Based Learning


  • Kyle Wagner discusses the fundamentals of project-based learning (PBL) through a personal story of building a cabin in this module. By reflecting on real-life projects, he emphasizes the importance of starting simple, seeking expert guidance, and collaborating effectively.

    Wagner encourages viewers to share their memorable projects and identify common components, using these insights to design engaging and successful school projects. This lesson serves as a practical framework for implementing PBL in educational settings.

What is High-Quality PBL

Understanding Project-Based Learning: Key Differences and Benefits Explained


  • This video explains the distinctions between traditional projects and project-based learning (PBL). While projects are short-term and reinforce known content, PBL involves students learning through long-term, real-world problems without single right answers.

    It emphasizes student choice, sustained inquiry, reflection, and presenting to real audiences. Examples highlight how PBL fosters deeper understanding and higher engagement. The video encourages educators to explore PBL's potential to enhance learning experiences.

Unpacking High-Quality PBL Case Study

Empathy Through Education: Exploring Immigration via Student Projects


  • This video showcases an interdisciplinary project where students explore immigration through interviews, photography, and storytelling. By engaging with real immigrants' stories and creating multimedia presentations, students learn the value of diversity and community.

    The project integrates history, social studies, math, and language arts, fostering empathy and critical thinking. The students' work supports local immigration advocacy, demonstrating the profound impact of project-based learning on both learners and the community.

Kyle’s Case Study and 8 Elements

Exploring Effective Project-Based Learning: Case Study Insights and Strategies


  • Here we delve into the intricacies of project-based learning (PBL) through a case study on "Project Clean Water," where students tackle real-world pollution issues. It highlights the eight essential elements of PBL, including student voice and choice, sustained inquiry, and authentic assessment.

    By collecting and analyzing water samples, students integrate science, math, and innovation. The video offers guidance on implementing similar projects, emphasizing real-world impact, interdisciplinary learning, and community engagement.

Brainstorming Ideas

Designing Your First Project-Based Learning Experience: A Practical Guide


  • This video guides educators through creating their first project-based learning (PBL) experience, emphasizing the integration of curriculum, community needs, and student interests. It covers brainstorming strategies, generating project ideas, and examples like class cookbooks and sustainable fashion shows.

    Educators learn to identify relevant topics and design meaningful projects that engage students while addressing real-world issues. The session includes practical steps for brainstorming and aligning curricular goals with community and student passions.

Introductory Video

Planning Project-Based Learning: A Step-by-Step Guide


  • With module provides a comprehensive overview of the project planning process, focusing on the essential elements that ensure a deep, meaningful, and impactful project-based learning experience for students. The video covers the key steps involved in launching a project, including identifying gaps in learning, setting project outcomes, and facilitating student work.

    It offers practical advice for teachers on how to effectively plan and execute project-based learning, making it an essential resource for educators looking to enhance their teaching practices.

Step 1- Beginning with the End in Mind

Crafting Engaging Project-Based Learning Experiences


  • Study the world of project-based learning and discover the secrets to creating a transformative educational experience. This video provides a comprehensive overview of the project planning process, focusing on the essential elements that ensure a deep, meaningful, and impactful project-based learning experience for students.

    It covers the key steps involved in launching a project, including identifying gaps in learning, setting project outcomes, and facilitating student work. It also offers practical advice for teachers on how to effectively plan and execute project-based learning, making it an essential resource for educators looking to enhance their teaching practices.

Step 2- Creating a Driving Essential Question

Drafting Powerful Driving Questions for Project-Based Learning


  • Learn how to craft powerful driving questions that launch students into project-based learning experiences. It explains the key elements of effective driving questions, including action-oriented language, multiple ways of answering, and a focus on the project's main idea.

    It provides practical tips for teachers to help them design driving questions that capture the big understandings and outcomes they hope students will reach.

Step 3-Planning Need to Know Skills

Filling the Gap: Identifying Content and Skills for Project-Based Learning


  • Figure out how to list the most important skills and information needed for project-based learning. This video shows how to bridge the gap between the project's main question and its desired results, showing how important it is to plan strategically and work together.

    It provides practical tips for teachers to help them determine what students need to know and be able to do to answer the driving question and achieve the project's goals.

Step 4- Envisioning Final Products

Envisioning Final Products for Project-Based Learning


  • Get a grasp of visualizing finished goods that are genuine, significant, and applicable to the actual world. In order to create appropriate, genuine, and presented to an authentic audience products, this video explains the significance of keeping the end goal in mind.

    Teachers can find useful advice on how to guide their students in making products that showcase their work and have a life beyond the classroom.

Step 5- Planning Benchmarks Milestones

Designing Project-Based Learning: Determining Significant Milestones


  • Find out what steps to take to make sure your project-based learning strategy is well-mapped out. This video shows how to organize learning experiences around important benchmarks and why it's important to do so.

    Instructors can use the resources provided to break down large projects into smaller, more manageable ones, and then work with their students to complete each milestone.

Step 6 -Launch, Exhibition and Resources

Launching Project-Based Learning: Strategies for Success


  • Master the art of launching a project-based learning experience that gives students agency to address real-world challenges. The significance of defining the problem, bringing in specialists, and publishing results is highlighted in this video.

    To ensure that students have a successful and meaningful learning experience, it offers practical tips for teachers to help them engage deeply with the project and achieve the desired outcomes.

Assessing Project-Based Experiences

Assessment in Project-Based Learning: Exploiting Students' Potential


  • Struggling to assess student learning in project-based experiences? This video offers a clear framework. Discover why ongoing assessment is key and how to design rubrics that track progress.

    Learn to report on student proficiency in specific skills and ditch traditional grades. Bonus: Get a template to craft your own rubric and empower your students!

Conclusion: Getting Project Feedback

Showcase Your PBL Design & Become Certified!


  • Ready to graduate from PBL designer trainee? This video reveals how! Craft a compelling 5-slide presentation of your project for feedback. Learn a protocol to guide discussions and get the most out of reviewer insights.

    Submit your finalized plan with feedback for certification. Time to transform your classroom and empower learners!